Be the greatest ... be the least

The best man in the church!
From Spurgeon, "Micah's Message for Today"

Do not desire to be the principal man in the church.

Be lowly.

Be humble.

The best man in the church 
is the man who is willing to be a doormat for all to wipe their boots on, the brother who does not mind what happens to him at all, so long as God is glorified.

Surrender to Christ and Be useful

Soldiers of the Cross!
Spurgeon, "All at it" #2044. Acts 8:4, 5, 35. 

Scarcely anything has been more injurious
to the kingdom of Christ than the distinction
between clergy and laity. No such distinction
was ever laid down by the Spirit of God.
"You are a royal priesthood." "He has made
us unto our God kings and priests."

In the Church of God there is no special
priesthood because all are priests.

We have made among ourselves a distinction
between ministers and others. But you are all
to minister! There are many ministries of one
form and another; and though God gives to
His Church apostles, teachers, pastors,
evangelists, and the like, yet not by way of
setting up a professional caste of men, who
are to do the work for God while others sit still.

All Christians are soldiers of the
 and all on active duty!

Every converted man is to teach what he knows.

All those who have drunk of the Living Water
are to become fountains out of which shall
flow rivers of Living Water. All are to proclaim
the Word and no one is exempted by another
form of service.

It is thought nowadays that a man must not
try to proclaim the Gospel unless he has had
a good education. But there is nothing whatever
in the whole compass of Scripture to excuse any
mouth from speaking for Jesus when the heart
is really acquainted with His salvation.

We are all called to make Jesus known if we know Him.

We must come back to the pattern of the original church.

Every Christian must be a herald of the Cross.

If you do not tell the Gospel, you are leaving
your fellow men to perish. Yonder is the wreck
and you are not sending out a lifeboat! Yonder
are souls starving and you give them no bread!

If we felt that blessed amazement which we
ought to feel when we think of Free Grace and
dying love, silence would be impossible.

The Christian's Unchangeable God.

Home churches?
- Spurgeon

These first believers were in such a condition
that their homes were holy places. I beg you
to notice this, that they were breaking bread
from house to house, and did eat their food
with gladness and singleness of heart.

They did not think that religion was meant
only for Sundays, and for what men now-a-days
call the 'House of God'.

Their own houses were houses of God
, and their
own meals were mixed and mingled with the
Lord's Supper. They elevated their meals into diets
for worship. They so consecrated everything with
prayer and praise that all around them was holiness
unto the Lord.

I wish our houses were thus dedicated to the Lord,
so that we worshipped God all the day long, and
made our dwellings temples for the living God.

Does God need a 'special house'? 

He who made the heavens and the earth,
does he dwell in temples made with hands?
What crass ignorance is this!

No house beneath the sky is more holy than the
place where a Christian lives, and eats, and drinks,
and sleeps, and praises the Lord in all that he does.
There is no worship more heavenly than that which
is presented by holy families, devoted to his fear.

To sacrifice home worship to public worship
is a most evil course of action.

Morning and evening devotion in a cottage is infinitely
more pleasing in the sight of God than all the cathedral
pomp which delights the carnal eye and ear.

Every truly Christian household is a church, and
as such it is competent for the discharge of any
function of divine worship, whatever it may be.

Are we not all priests? Why do we need to call in
others to make devotion a performance? Let every
man be a priest in his own house.

Are you not all kings if you love the Lord? Then make
your houses palaces of joy and temples of holiness.

One reason why the early church had such a blessing
was because her members had such homes. When
we are like them we shall have "added to the church
daily those being saved."

(however --- Christians must gather for mutual edification
wherever is convenient. - by the author of "Speaking Out")

Church entertainment.

Whatever means you use to get people into the church is precisely what you must use to keep them.

If you get them with a 'religious circus', then you
must keep the circus going--keep up the entertainment.
If you get them with biblical preaching and teaching, then
that will keep them and you will not need the entertainment.

-Ernest Reisinger

The A and the Z

Christ is the A and the Z of the Christian ministry. 
- by DeWitt Talmage

A sermon that has no Christ is a dead failure. The 
minister who devotes his pulpit to anything but Christ 
is an impostor. Whatever great themes we may discuss, 
Christ must be the beginning and Christ the end. 

A sermon given up to sentimental and flowery 
speech is as a straw flung to a drowning sailor. 

What the world needs is to be told in the most
direct way of Jesus Christ, who comes to save
men from eternal damnation.

Christ the Light,
Christ the Sacrifice,
Christ the Rock, 
Christ the Star, 
Christ the Balm, 
Christ the Guide. 

If a minister should live one thousand years, 
and preach ten sermons each day, these 
subjects would not be exhausted. 

Do you find men tempted
Tell them of Christ the Shield. 

Or troubled? Tell them of Christ the Comfort. 

Or guilty? Tell them of Christ the Pardon. 

Or dying? Tell them of Christ the Life. 

Scores of ministers, yielding to the demands 
of the age for elegant rhetoric, and soft speech, 
and flattering terms, have surrendered their pulpits to the devil.

May Christ be the subject of our talk; 
Christ the inspiration of our prayers; 
Christ the theme of our songs; 
Christ now, and Christ forever!

Philosophy is nothing; 
denominations nothing; 
conferences nothing; 
assemblies nothing; 
ourselves nothing,
I have a question...

Why, in the American Church when blessings are being mentioned does it always come around to "being blessed financially".
Are we in America that preoccupied with money? Father in heaven help us to come out of there.

Bless me spiritually Lord --- forget the trinkets.
“Listen, my beloved brothers, has not God chosen those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom, which he has promised to those who love him?” (James. 2:5).

Is It God’s Will for All Christians to Be Wealthy?

Is it love for our Father that prompts us to ask Him for material blessings --- or is it base greed thus revealing our true character?

Christ said it was so hard for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.
And it is for the rich because they have so many material things that they lose their focus on their heavenly home.
While those who have little or nothing are better able to keep their vision clear of clutter.

And I must say this my beloved in Christ, many poverty stricken Christians in third world countries who are undergoing severe persecution have tremendously more faith than those in the western Church.

It is not a sin to have wealth, but it is a terrible insult to God to spend our lives thinking about and striving for it. Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

If our heavenly Father chooses to give you much --- use it for His glory.
If He chooses to place you in a position of poverty --- use that place in life also for His glory.

Faith and Obedience

Jesus is saying to all Christians wherever they are in the world, "If you want to see me someday, you will obey me.”
This is not a is a command.

So many Christians today have taken grace to a whole new level, thinking they can do what the world does and escape God's punishment.
We have let many people who are not filled with the Spirit of God rise to places of leadership in the Church and many of them are leading the sheep astray.

Come back to the God of the bible and live. Get into and devour the New Testament, that is where our lives abound. That is our instruction book on how to live. This is where we find how to live the Christian life.

Many today who claim to follow the teachings of Jesus only view Him as a great teacher, or just a good moral person. 

But I can testify that I know Jesus Christ is the righteous Son of God who came to earth to save us from our sins.
And unless we live for this fact and are willing to suffer and be put to death for what we believe, we are imposters only posing as followers of Christ.

Jesus is the only way,
not the fact that we are Jew or Gentile, or what church we attend, or the denomination we were baptised into. Jesus Christ is the way. There is no other.
He was, is, and forever will be the righteous Son of almighty God above.

And for us to enter God’s Kingdom above, we Must repent of our unbelief as well as our sinful life and be born again, cleansed by the blood of Jesus who died in our place.

- this is from a Christian who has met the Savior, and Knows that He is who He claimed to be.
Persecution purifies the Church --- under threat of loss or death the pretenders leave so that only pure gold remains. Those who remain are God’s chosen ones.
These are the ones who will enter His kingdom.

I would suggest that you who read this take the time --- right now --- to read all of 1 Peter.

Primitive Church - not quite

In today's world with all of our so called superior knowledge we are in the habit of calling the first century Church primitive.
They were far from primitive. They were closer to Jesus than we are today because they were unencumbered by all the corruptive trappings and man made add-ons that infiltrated the Church at a later date.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:24, "No one can serve two masters.
And yet in today's Church many Christians try to.

We are overly involved in sports, politics, television entertainment, and all kinds of worldly pursuits, mainly money.

The first Christians rejected the worlds entertainment, honors, and riches. They were citizens of God's heavenly kingdom. And as such they thought and acted accordingly.

If we are truly born again, washed in the blood of our Savior shouldn't we instead be carrying out the command to proclaim the gospel? They did.

Look Beyond Self

Today’s church in America wants to be raptured from suffering and responsibility while other Christians all over the world are suffering.
Are we afraid to suffer for Christ as He suffered for us.


James 5:7-:11
1 Peter 4:12-:19
2 Timothy 3:12

The Church...

...wherever it may be in the world is called by God to be a holy entity, separated from the world and striving to shun all forms of evil. Although God will forgive sin when a person repents…that act of sin when committed is repugnant in His sight because heaven is sinless and pure.

Who is the “Church“?
All those who follow Jesus Christ? And they must separate themselves from the world system of doing things because that is idolatry and God hates idolatry.

What is idolatry?
It is hero worship, adoration (of a thing person, or place.) admiration or veneration of someone other than the God of Heaven.

Be Brave
Christians have been persecuted all over the world. Many early Protestants who broke from the Catholic Church were imprisoned and burned at the stake. Christian missionaries have been killed in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Christians were imprisoned and killed during the reigns of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. Today, the nonprofit organization Voice of the Martyrs tracks Christian persecution in China, Muslim countries, and throughout the world.

Two thousand years ago, Jesus prophesied that his followers would be attacked:

"Remember what I told you: 'A servant is not greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also." (John 15:20, NIV)

We here in America have always felt very safe being so far removed from the rest of the world. But, in spite of what these feel good prosperity hucksters on TV say, these days of Church safety in this land of ours is swiftly coming to an end. The dam of persecution is ready to break.

Dear fellow believers in Christ Jesus, 
If you are used to comfort, get used to hardships.
If you are used to having plenty, get used to having little.
If you are used to being first, get used to being last.

The heavenly ruler of all things, here and in the heights above, is going to sift His Church separating the true from the false.

Rejoice in what is coming. Our heavenly home is nearer now than ever before.
When God created man he placed in him the same creative spirit that He himself had.
Are you putting it to use, or did you hide it under a rock?
one example is in - Matthew 25:14-18
There are many more examples in God’s word, you search and find them. “Seek and you will find.” Matthew 7:7


If we are a discerning Spirit filled Christian we will not have to only go to “our church” to hear the correct word of God. 
We should never fear fellowshipping with other Christians simply because they do not go to the same “building” we always go to.
But, whenever we go somewhere else and the truth is not spoken we will instantly know it. That is when we leave.
And if your pastor tells you other Christians are not right because they don't think exactly like he does and he is the only one who knows the truth---
---Leave that place of meeting or get rid of the pastor.